Why Is My Heat Pump Tripping the Circuit Breaker?

Closeup Of Person's Hand Repair The Switchboard.

Heat pumps can cause your circuit breaker to trip for a variety of reasons. Though it might be frustrating, remember your circuit breaker is there to protect you. The trip may just be a fluke, but repeated tripping indicates an error that needs to be corrected.

To help you identify potential problems, Phoenix Air Conditioning & Heating came up with five of the most common reasons heat pumps trip circuit breakers:

1. Dusty Air Filter

When you don’t replace your air filter for months, dust and debris clog it. This restricts airflow and sends your heat pump’s components into overdrive. Because they’re working extra hard, they use an excess amount of electricity. As a result, the circuit breaker trips.

2. Covered-Up Vents

It’s important to give your vents ample room to circulate air. But sometimes we get carried away decorating our homes and end up blocking our vents. Like a dusty air filter, this restricts airflow leading to an overload. Be sure to place couches, carpets, and curtains away from your vent openings. Let them breathe!

3. Dirty Condenser Coils

When your heat pump’s condenser coils get dirty, the unit has to work at a higher capacity to produce the same amount of heating or cooling. Subsequently, this can produce an overload, which trips the circuit breaker. To avoid this, be sure to schedule maintenance at least once a year. During the visit, a technician will clean debris off of your condenser coils. That way, you’ll lower the risk of any future issues.

4. Motor Problems

If the blower motor has any friction (rust on the bearings, poor balance, and so forth), this can cause it to run poorly. Often, it will pull more electricity than necessary. This overload will trip your circuit breaker. If your motor is making unusual sounds, this may be what’s happening. Let your technician take care of this one.

5. Electrical Problems

Frayed or faulty wiring could be the source of the problem, as it often causes short circuiting. Additionally, the culprit could be your circuit breaker itself. Older circuit breakers may give you a false reading. If you’ve noticed other appliances tripping the circuit breaker, it may not be your heat pump’s fault after all. Contact an electrician if you believe this to be the case.

Need your heat pump fixed? We can help! Our licensed technicians are proud to perform heating repairs, maintenance, and installations here in the Laguna Hills, CA, area. Call Phoenix Air Conditioning & Heating today at 949-481-0204 to schedule a visit.

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